My vintage bras/мои винтажные бюстгальтеры

First I wanna say I don't own a lot:) And I don't think I should. Vintage bra is more like fetish element than everyday underwear. And yes, I do not live like fetish model and do not always dress like Pin-Up doll. If you do - good, but don't expect others to be like "real burlesque star", as some may think. It is really stupid to say that you should go for coffee in your super-sexy outfit (If you do burlesque). I assume that people who are "fashion icons" in any ocassion have some psycological problems. But that's just my opinion, let it stay like this for a while at least :) Yes, I wanna learn and know more, but this thing is really crazy for me and I don't know what can change my mind. And you know I'm not a conservative person:) And finally, there's nothing bad in craziness! There's no point of wearing vintage bras everyday. Cause nobody can see it. And there are a lot of modern bras with retro-look that can fit you even better...